Stop Deportation of Fernanda Milan

Kontakt forfatteren af dette andragende

Dette debatemne er skabt automatisk af underskriftindsamlingen Stop Deportation of Fernanda Milan.

Jette Kimmi


2012-08-17 11:12




2012-08-17 11:43

It is hard to work out how to fill in form, one in English would get many more signatures. Fernanda, los mejores deseos para ti, cariños mil.



2012-08-17 11:46

English or bilingual version, please!



2012-08-17 13:08

Language can be changed in the upper left corner :)



2012-08-18 21:10

STOP det vanvid!!! INGEN skal misbruges og tvangsudvises - alle mennesker har rettigheder også i Danmark!!!



2012-08-19 14:04

After what she has gone through this woman should be protected and taken care of. Sending her back is a punishment for something she is not guilty of but the political system in Guatemala, and in Denmark! Sending her back to Guatemala is against Human Rights!



2012-08-19 14:38

Det vore bra om de nordiska länderna ville göra upp med sin historia av rasbiologi och förföljelser av minoriteter en gång för alla.

Om Danmark alls ska kunna kalla sig ett respektabelt land i framtiden och hävda sig kunna stava till mänskliga fri- och rättigheter, så låter man Fernanda stanna och tar dessutom tag i de våldsbrott hon utsatts för!

Amanda Brihed



2012-08-19 20:04

Stop Deportation of Fernanda Milan


#9 Felix

2012-08-19 23:40

She is in our thoughts.

#10 Since many ask for english

2012-08-20 03:17

I understand it can be hard for the english people to sign so here is some translations:

*Fornavn/-e (firstname)
*Efternavn (lastname)
*By (city)
*Land (country)
*Emailadresse (email adress)this wont be shown, but you will get an email later you should click on to confirm your signature.

Skal din underskrift være offentlig? (shall my signature be shown?)
ja(yes) no(nej)

skriv under på denne underskifindsamling. (sign this petition)

I hope its usefull
for the main text translation:

Fernanda er transkønnet og kom til Danmark fra Guatemala for at søge beskyttelse for sit liv.
Sandholmlejren placerede hende i afdelingen for mænd, der ikke anerkender hendes kvindelige kønsidentitet.

(fernanda is transgender, and came to denmark from guatemala to seach protection for her life. sandholmlejeren* (asylum of denmark) placed her in the ward for men as they dont accept her female gender identety.)
Fernanda blev voldtaget i Sandholdlejren!
Nu afventer hun udvisning til Guatemala, et land hvor transkønnede bliver dræbt.
Danmark anerkender ikke asyl for kønsidentitet. (fernanda was raped in sandholmlejren! now she are to be deported back to guatemala, a country where transgenders getting killed. denmark dosent accept asylum for people with diffrent gender identetyes.)
Du kan hjælpe hende med:
* At give dine råd om hvordan man kan stoppe udvisning!
* Gå til medierne og øge presset på danske regering
* Del denne historie og underskrift indsamling med andre
(you can help by ____ facebook page*
give your advice how to stop the deportation, go to the media to put pressure on the danish goverment, or share the story and pertition with others.)
Tak for din underskrift.
(thanks for signing)



2012-08-20 19:14

Please reconsider your position since deporting her is certainly inhumane.
Laura Watson


2012-08-20 19:16

I was able to work out the form by using Google Translate for those interested.


#13 Kim

2012-08-20 19:18

I have never in my life been so horrified to belong to the human race. This appalling and disgust beyond measure!

#14 Re: Since many ask for english

2012-08-20 21:48

#10: Tony - Since many ask for english

btw. for anyone from the UK.

UK = storbritatien. in danish.

tyskland = germany

beside that most of the country names are pretty much the same in danish and english, and you can use google translate or ask.



2012-08-20 21:52

People of Denmark, please, please do not deport Fernanda Milan to Guatemala. She came to Denmark for help and asylum, please show compassion!



2012-08-21 02:38

Please do not deport this poor woman, she deserves compassion and help.

Helve V. T.


2012-08-21 10:10

Kjære vakre Danmark ! DU som tok så godt vare på oss norske menn og kvinner da vi for mange tiår siden søkte frihet i VAKRE København- frihet fra hån og undertrykkelse i hjemlandet grunnet vår homofili. Også transpersoner fant et lite pustehull hos Deg! Nå gjelder det Fernanda-la ditt store hjerte banke for henne- som det gjorde da vi norske trengte det som mest! Fernanda er vår alles SØSTER!



2012-08-21 13:29

Stop the deportation!!!!! Give her a chance!



2012-08-21 17:41

You can find an English translation by going here
The only objection I have is to be found in the first line "Fernanda is transgender and came to Denmark from Guatemala to seek protection for his life. "
'His' life, what the heck is that all about - should be 'her' life



2012-08-21 17:42

Shame on Denmark

Dette indlæg er blevet fjernet af dens forfatter (Vis detaljer)

2012-08-21 18:28



2012-08-21 18:28

:/ Held og lykke!


#23 Re:

2012-08-21 19:27

#19: -

the link is not showed



2012-08-21 22:32

No Borders! No Nations! Stop Deportations!
Vælg et brugernavn

#25 Re: shano

2012-08-22 01:28

#6: -