Gratis HPV-Vaccine til ALLE


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2013-08-18 09:10

Én af skaberne bag HPV står frem, Dr. Diana Harper, og indrømmer at HPV er ineffektiv og farlig.. Hvordan forholder Kræftens Bekæmpelse sig til det..?

Lille uddrag af artiklen der har rystet den medicinske verden..

Dr. Diane Harper, a key developer of Gardasil, is on the record as having cleared her conscience about this fraudulent vaccine, which has been shown to be both ineffective and dangerous.

"Dr. Harper went on to admit that deaths from Gardasil have been underreported by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which has given the illusion that the vaccine is somehow safe. Beyond this, Dr. Harper dropped a bomb when she told reporters that the public health benefit of getting vaccinated with Gardasil "is nothing," adding that the vaccine has led to "no reduction in cervical cancers."