Frit teatermiljø i Ungarn

Markér Verdensteaterdagen ved at bakke op om et frit teatermiljø i Ungarn.

Dansk ITI (International Theatre Institute) har valgt at markere Verdensteaterdagen d. 27. marts ved at tage initiativ til en underskrift-indsamling til fordel for et frit teatermiljø i Ungarn.

NB! Underskriftindsamlingen lukkes 1. juni og vil herefter blive sendt til den ungarske regering.

Den 1. februar 2012 blev skuespilleren György Dörner, en kendt racist og antisemit, ansat som teaterdirektør for Budapests New Theatre (Új Színház). Han blev valgt af Budapests borgmester, på trods af at et ekspertpanel havde anbefalet modkandidaten, István Márta, der de sidste 13 år har ledet teatret succesfuldt. Dörners ansøgning var vag og mangelfuld og havde karakter af en politisk pamflet med ekstremistiske synspunkter. Meget tyder på, at den nye teaterdirektør blev valgt på grund af sin politiske overbevisning og ikke på grund af sine faglige kompetencer.

Selv om udpegelsen af Dörner ikke i sig selv er lovstridig, er det væsentligt at påpege udvælgelsen som blot ét af mange eksempler på en øget centralstyring, der i øjeblikket finder sted i Ungarn, hvor landets premierminister Viktor Orbán har skærpet den politiske kontrol med centralbanken, domstole, datatilsyn og medier, alt sammen i strid med grundlæggende demokratiske principper.

Ungarns teaterverden er i øjeblikket vidne til flere lignende episoder. For eksempel kræver det højre-ekstreme parti Jobbik, at lederen af Nationalteatret i Ungarn, Róbert Alföldi, bliver fyret, fordi partiet mener, at han skaber anti-national kunst. Den 1. juli 2012 mister György Szabó sit job som direktør for en af Ungarns vigtigste kulturinstitutioner, Trafó. Szabó har ledet Trafó med stor succes de seneste 13 år og er internationalt anerkendt for at have opbygget en visionær institution med et internationalt udsyn, en institution som fremmer den frie, eksperimenterende kunst. Beslutningen om ikke at lade Szabó fortsætte bekymrer en stor del af det ungarske teatermiljø.

Læs og hør mere om situationen i Ungarn her:,1518,803865,00.html

Læs mere om Dansk ITI her:

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Ved at skrive under på denne erklæring, støtter jeg et frit teatermiljø i Ungarn. Jeg bakker op om, at kunstnere i Ungarn skal have frie hænder til at skabe deres kunst i et frit demokrati uden diskrimination og uden politisk pression.


Celebrate World Theatre Day by signing a petition for an independent and free theatre in Hungary.

Danish ITI (International Theatre Institute) has chosen to celebrate World Theatre Day on March 27th 2012 by initiating a petition in support of a free theatre in Hungary.

NB! The petition will close on June 1st 2012 and thereafter will be sent to the Hungarian government.

On February 1st 2012 the actor György Dörner, a well-known racist and anti-Semite, was hired as director of Budapest’s New Theatre (Új Színház). He was chosen by the Mayor of Budapest despite the fact that the Board of Trustees had recommended his rival candidate, István Márta, who has directed the theatre successfully for the past 13 years. Dörner’s application was vague and incomplete and resembled a political pamphlet containing extremist views. It seems that the new director was elected primarily because of his political convictions and not because of his professional skills.

Even though the selection of Dörner isn’t illegal, this is just one of several examples of an increased centralization in Hungary, where Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has expanded his political control over the Central Bank, the judicial system, the data protection agency and the media, all in conflict with basic democratic principles. 

Hungarian theatre has currently witnessed several similar incidents. For example the right-wing extremist Jobbik Party is calling for the dismissal of Róbert Alföldi, director of the National Theatre in Hungary, because they think he creates anti-national art. On July 1st 2012, György Szabó loses his job as director of one of Hungary’s most important cultural institutions, Trafó. Szabó has directed Trafó with great success for the past 13 years and is internationally famed for building up a visionary institution with an international outlook, an institution that promotes free, experimenting art. The discontinuation of Szabó concerns a big part of the theatre milieu in Hungary.

Read more about the situation in Hungary here.,1518,803865,00.html

Read more about World Theatre Day here:

And about Danish ITI here:


By signing this petition, I support an independent and free theatre in Hungary. I support that artists in Hungary should be free to create art in a free democracy without discrimination and without political pressure.

Please sign by writing below your: First name, Last name, City, Country, Emailadress. And finally state whether you would like your name to be visible online by clicking Ja (yes) or Nej (no)

After you have filled out the form you will receive an email where you are asked to confirm (bekræfte) your signature.

Dansk ITI International Theatre Institute,Denmark    Kontakt forfatteren af dette andragende