Remove Bengt Holst From Copenhagen Zoo

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Dette debatemne er skabt automatisk af underskriftindsamlingen Remove Bengt Holst From Copenhagen Zoo.



2014-02-10 10:13

Burn in hell!It was so unnecessary and disgusting what you did to Marius! There were several zoos that could accommodate him. You are a MONSTER!!



2014-02-10 10:18

I love animals*I hate Barbarians* I wish you the Hell



2014-02-10 10:18

Ich finde es scheisse erst holt man sich was dann tötet man es.
Ich kann es garnicht in Worte fassen



2014-02-10 10:20

Eine Unverschämtheit, und dann noch Eltern mit Kinder, die haben dann später auch keine Hemmungen. Das hätte ich von Dänen nicht erwartet so kann man sich irren.



2014-02-10 10:32

Keine dänischen Produkte mehr kaufen ! Do not buy anymore danish products !



2014-02-10 10:32

Das sind nationalsozialistische Praktiken.HEIL HOLST!



2014-02-10 10:34

it is disgusting to kill a healthy,young Giraffe!!!!The normal way is to sterilize!!!!At first the Zoo watches the Giraffebaby to grow and then sloughter for a "Special Event" in front of Visitors and Childs???The Man who did it has to be slaughterd in front of the giraffes now.He is not good with animals so hehas to go....NOW!!!!!!



2014-02-10 10:42

Ja fjern Bengt Holst fra Danmarks zoo ... Så forkert at slå et lille ungt dyr ihjel der intet fejler...der var mange tilbud fra Danmark at tage imod ham! Og fra udlandet alligevel vælger han at den skal dø. Den kunne være blevet kastreret også en mulighed! Han burde have en grim smag i munden nu. Men at lade små børn oveni købet overvære parteringen føj siger jeg bare! Ud med ham fra zoo NU...



2014-02-10 10:46

Do not kill animals. Animals are living creatures! Dismiss the responsible staff of the death of the giraffe. The people in the zoo is very terrible, they kill animals, the have lack of space in zoos also because bad organisation. Do not kill animals. Animals are living creatures! Close the zoo. Let the animals live in their habitat natural. Forbid to kill animals. Do not mistreat animals. Do not be cruel, Do not kill. This is Law and Order of God. Do not kill animals. God sees everything. Not every person will be resurrected from the dead. Obey God.. Do not be cruel to animals and do not kill animals. Animals are living creatures! Vegan all (without “animal products”).



2014-02-10 10:48

Du passar ej att va chef över djur dib kalla hjärtlösa idiot nä in med en djurvän istället!!!!!



2014-02-10 10:51

Beendet dieses sadistische Treiben und nehmt diesen unfähigen Menschen aus dem Amt! So einem Typ sollte man jeden Umgang mit Tieren verbieten! Eine Schande ist das!



2014-02-10 10:55

shame of you



2014-02-10 10:56

Pfui...shame on you



2014-02-10 10:58

laissez-le vivre!



2014-02-10 11:01

This individual is an abominablw representative for animal wellfare and protection.Hiding behind science as his progee will not save him from cruel and henious behavior. To quote H C Andersen "He has no clothes" i e nothing to hude behind.



2014-02-10 11:07

Es gibt in der heutigen Zeit Wege und Mittel um Inzucht zu vermeiden. Andere Zoos tauschen ihre Tiere untereinander aus um Inzucht zu vermeiden.
Ich bin über die Zustände im Zoo Kopenhagen entsetzt und finde das die Verantwortlichen zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden müssen.



2014-02-10 11:19

SHAME ON Copenhagen Zoo!!!
Shocking and disgusting !!!!!!!!



2014-02-10 11:26

Do not kill animals. Animals are living creatures! Dismiss the responsible staff of the death of the giraffe. The people in the zoo is very terrible, they kill animals, the have lack of space in zoos also because bad organisation. Do not kill animals. Animals are living creatures! Close the zoo. Let the animals live in their habitat natural. Forbid to kill animals. Do not mistreat animals. Do not be cruel, Do not kill. This is Law and Order of God. Do not kill animals. God sees everything. Not every person will be resurrected from the dead. Obey God.. Do not be cruel to animals and do not kill animals. Animals are living creatures! Vegan all (without “animal products”).



2014-02-10 11:28

Absolutely disgusting, practically medieval, killing a poor animal who was "surplus" to requirements and having an audience of families to watch it, zoos are vile freak shows anyway where wild animals are held captive for gawking humans to stare at, but you have taken the freak show to a new low, this along with animal brothels in your country, the world is watching and you are an ugly pathetic disgrace, the laws need to change in your country.



2014-02-10 11:38

es hätte einen anderen Lebensplatz für die Giraffe gegeben,wie könnt ihr ein getötetes Tierkind euren Kindern zur Obduktion zeigen?Ich kann es nicht verstehen.Elke Wollert-Bielenberg



2014-02-10 11:39

murderer go to hell



2014-02-10 11:39

I was horrified by the murder of Marius the baby giraffe at the Copenhagen zoo and I demand that the responsibles of this awfull decision will be officially sanctionned.



2014-02-10 11:39

Das war völlig überflüssig! Zwei andere Zoos wollten Marius haben - in meinen Augen pure Mordgier!!!



2014-02-10 11:56

The world is looking at you now. This will not be forgotten. Marius will haunt you through the media and world view. NO WINNERS HERE!



2014-02-10 12:00

Woher nehmen sich Menschen das Recht Tiere einzusperren und wenn es nicht nach ihren Kopf läuft, sie einfach zu töten?????