Fashion with allergy is not cool

Syntes du også her lugter lidt?

Hvis ja, er fordi at Abercombie & Fitch sprøjter giftig parfume ud i deres butik, så det kan lugtes helt ud på gaden.

Parfumen er giftig, fordi den indeholder stoffet citronellol. Det er så farligt, at EU direkte advarer imod det. Stoffet er nemlig meget allergifremkaldende.

Ville du synes, at det ville være fedt at arbejde en hel dag et sted, hvor der konstant er farlige stoffer i luften? --- Det gør medarbejderne i Aberocombie & Fitch!

I HK Ungdom Hovedstaden siger vi pænt nej tak til giftigt arbejdsmiljø. Det er ikke i orden. Vi mener, at alle skal have ret til et sikkert arbejdsmiljø, hvor man ikke bliver udsat for giftige stoffer. 

Hvad synes du?

Can you smell it too?

If you can, it is because Abercrombie and Fitch sprays poisoned perfume around in the store. Actually, they spray so much that it is possible to smell it all the way out on the streets. 

The reason why the perfume is poisoned, is because it contains an acid called citronellol, wich is actually so dangerous that the European Union is warning people about it. In fact, the acid can cause allergic reactions.

Would you like to work in a place where you are constantly exposed to dangerous acids? --- The workers of Aberocombie and Fitch do!

We in HK Youth Copenhagen believe that no one should be forced to work in such bad conditions, where one are exposed to acids the entire day.

What do you think?

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