aws certified solution

AWS Certified Solution architect possesses the special commitment and significant achievement around specific application projects and increasing deep expertise in the AWS knowledge, as well as comprehensive know-how around how application and services are built through the AWS platform.

Some of the key responsibilities are as follows:

  • To serve as a primary technical associate of the business improvement team in assisting in confirming customer success in creating applications and services on the AWS platform.
  • To understand client engagement, critically towards well-defined purposes and achievement standards.
  • To possess each technical commitment, and assist in ensuring a suitable and successful delivery of agreed cloud services.
  • To have a have a working practice of DevOps tools.
  • To record and spread best-practice knowledge between the solution architect teams.
  • To recognize the AWS market requirement, client base, and corporate requirements
  • They should be able to implement internal Amazon systems
  • To shorten the time required for the production, he should be capable of deploying automation infrastructure by utilizing the AWS Cloud .
  • Readmore: aws certified solution

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