Tag ikke hormonerne fra transpersonerne

Transpersoner udsættes for talløse ydmygelser i vores land. De defineres som syge, de er ikke dækket af antidiskriminationslovgivningen, og hvis de ønsker kropslige forandringer, så deres krop bedre kommer til at passe med deres selvforståelse, skal de gennem en årelang og ydmygende evalueringsproces hos Sexologisk Institut. En evalueringsproces der normalvis ender med et nej. Nogle læger har valgt og hjælpe transpersoner ved at udskrive kønshormoner til dem udenom Sexologisk Instituts personlighedsnedbrydende maskine.

Men nu har Sundhedsstyrelsen valgt at gribe ind og forbyde læger at ordinere kønshormoner til transpersoner udenom Sexologisk Institut. Det vil i praksis sige, at transpersoner, der i årevis har taget kønshormoner og hvis fysiske fremtræden er afhængig af disse, skal tvinges til at lade sig evaluere af Sexologisk Institut. Det tager mindst et år og i den tid kan de ikke få hormoner. Og sandsynligheden for et endegyldigt nej er meget stor. Dette er intet mindre end en katastrofe for de berørte transpersoner. Nogle vil forsøge sig med usikre piller købt via internettet, andre vil blive ramt af svære depressioner og måske skubbes ud over selvmordets rand.

Sig med din underskrift nej til Sundhedsstyrelsens forsøg på at tage hormonerne fra transpersonerne!

In english: Transexuals in Denmark are being humiliated greatly. They are defined as sick, and they are not covered by the anti-discrimination laws. If they want to change their body to fit better with their mind, they have to go through years of humiliating evaluations at the 'Sexological Clinic'. This usually ends with a 'No' to treatment, not because they are not transexuals, but because they do not fit with the Sexological Clinic's very narrow definition of what "real transexuals is". Some doctors have chosen to help trans people by prescribing hormones without the approval of the Sexological Clinic. But now the health authorities have prohibited doctors from prescribing hormones to transgenders not approved by the Sexological Clinic, which means that trans people who have taken hormones for years and whose physical appearance depend in this, are forced to be evaluated by the Sexological Clinic. This takes a year, at least, and in that time the trans person will be without hormone treatment. This is a disaster for the trans people depending on treatment. Some will try unsafe hormones bought online, while others will be hit by heavy depression and maybe even take their own lives. Please sign this petition and let the Danish health authorities know that it is not ok to take treatment options away from trans people! Translation to sign the petition: fornavn: ( firstname ) efternavn: ( surname ) by: ( city/town ) land: ( country ) The UK is listed as Storbritanien Skal din underskrift være offentlig?: ( Do you want your signature to be public?) ja (yes) nej (no) BOTTOM: skriv under på denne underskriftindsamling: (sign this petition)