
(English version further down)


Københavns kommune har planer om at nedlægge vores allesammens kære nabohave, ved at sælge grunden, så der kan blive bygget endnu en etageejendom. VIBO afd. 140 ejer grunden, men det viser sig, at Københavns kommune i sin tid lavede en klausul, der tillod dem at tage grunden tilbage uden betaling og sælge den videre. Hjælp os derfor i kampen for at stoppe denne handling og derved bevare vores lille unikke nabohave. Lad os stå sammen og vise dem, at der er andre værdier end den økonomiske!!



- Nabohaven  er, som navnet udtrykker, et sted, hvor man møder sine naboer og lærer dem at kende.

- Nabohaven er et rekreativt område tæt på hjemmet.

- Nabohaven er med til at skabe sammenhold og tryghed.

- Nabohaven giver en sammenhængskraft blandt nærområdets beboer på kryds af boligselskaber og –foreninger. 

- Nabohaven indbyder til samtale og knytter bånd på tværs af kulturer.

- Nabohaven er samlingspunktet for familiekomsammen, studenterfesten, venskabshygge, adventssamling, nabokaffe og meget mere.

Vi har brug for din underskrift, så vi kan vise Københavns Kommune, hvor mange, der ikke ønsker at miste haven.

Hvis du allerede har underskrevet på papir, så skal du ikke også underskrive online. Dette ville resultere i dubletter, som vil gøre underskriftsindsamlingen ugyldig. Men du kan få andre i husstanden til at skrive under.

Det er MEGET vigtigt, at du går ind på din e-mail og BEKRÆFTER din underskrift bagefter, ellers modtager vi den ikke.

Den kan sagtens ende i spam-mappen eller uønsketpost, så kig også der.


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Copenhagen Municipality is planning to close down our beloved neighboring garden, by selling the cadastral, so yet another residential building can be built. VIBO department 140 is the owner of this cadastral, but it appears that Copenhagen municipality made a clause that allows them to take back the cadastral without paying for it and selling it for profit. Therefore, help us in this fight to stop this act and thereby maintaining our little unique neighboring garden. Let us stand in unity and show them that there are other values ​​than the economic!!


It is because:

- The neighboring garden is, as the name expresses, a place where you meet your neighbors and get to know them.

- The neighboring garden is a recreation area near the home.

- The neighboring garden helps create unity and security.

- The neighboring garden provides cohesiveness among the residents of the different housing companies and associations.

- The neighboring garden creates opportunities for conversations and establish links across cultures.

- The neighboring garden is the meeting place for family and friends gatherings, student parties, christmas get together, coffee with the neighbors and much more.

We need YOUR signature, so we can show Copenhagen Municipality, how many of us who does NOT want to lose this garden.

If you have already signed on paper, you should not sign online as well. This would result in duplicates that will render the petition invalid. But you can get others in your household to sign.


It is VERY important that you check your email and CONFIRM your signature afterwards, otherwise we will not receive it.

It might end up in the spam folder or unwanted mail, therefor checke out those folders as well.


Thank you

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