Samarbejder med BRIKS

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2015-04-03 23:36

Magt og grådighed

Med teknologisk understøttelse og motiver, der bunder i magt og grådighed, og ikke af nødvendighed har mennesket i de foregående århundreder udpint Jordens naturlige ressourcer. Vi har produceret – og fortsætter med at producere – affald og forurening i et omfang, som aldrig før er set.

Med rod i samme motiver om magt og grådighed har mennesket misbrugt videnskab og teknologi til at producere uhyrlige lagre af atomvåben, kemiske våben og biologiske våben – våben nok til at destruere Jorden mange gange. Menneskers økonomiske systemer og værdier har ført til koncentration af den økonomiske magt på ganske få hænder samt udnyttelse og kontrol over verdens (natur) ressourcer.



2015-04-03 23:51


A new report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared 
by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) for the Ministry of Defense (MoD)
states that President Barack Obama’s nuclear war communication commander 
has been arrested and relieved of her command after failing to transmit launch codes authorizing an atomic weapons first-strikeattack upon the Federation in coordination with a similar “surprise” attack planned by the United Kingdom.

According to the SVR, US Navy Captain Heather E. Cole [photo ] was the commander of the US Navy’s Strategic Communications Wing 1 located at Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma whose E-6B Mercury aircraft provide the communications links allowing President Obama and US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter to directly contact the submarines, bombers and land-based missiles that comprise the United States strategic nuclear force.

On Monday, 16 March, this report states, Captain Cole received from the Pentagon a launch order authorizing a “limited” nuclear strike against the Federation, but which failed due to a critical Permissive Action Link (PAL) failure thus causing her to abort this planned attack.

As a PAL is a security device for nuclear weapons whose purpose is to prevent unauthorized arming or detonation of the nuclear weapons, SVR experts in this report explain, the critical failure in this instance was an added security measure ordered by the former US Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel, 
prior to his being forced out of office last month over his refusal 
to have any part in this attack against Russia.

This report further explains that Secretary Carter was not aware of Secretary Hagel’s PAL security changes thus allowing Captain Cole to abort this planned nuclear attack.
For her failure to communicate the launch authorization to US nuclear forces, 
this report continues, Captain Cole was arrested on Tuesday, 17 March, 
relieved of her command and then taken by armed guard to US Naval Air Station (NAS) Miramar in San Diego (California) where she remains incommunicado.

The SVR in their report on Captain Cole’s refusal to start World War III further states that her actions mirrors those of Soviet Naval Captain Vasili Arkhipov, 
who during the Cuban Missile Crisis, in 1962, also refused to obey orders to launch nuclear weapons against the United States.

Upon Captain Cole being arrested, a MoD appendix to this SVR report says, President Putin ordered the Federations strategic nuclear bomber forces to their “fail-safe” locations in the Arctic (the fastest air route to the US from Russia), 
an expansion of the Northern Fleet’s combat operations into the Norwegian Sea, and continued combat air operations against NATO forces on the northern border.

Important to note, and as we had stated in our 14 March report, Russia Warns “State Of War” Exists As UK Nukes Prepare First Strike, President Putin and the MoD had been made aware of the planned nuclear attack against the Federation weeks ago thus allowing the Federation to move its own nuclear forces to the NATO border.
Likewise, and as we had reported on 15 March, 
Obama Meets With Top Russian Spy, Warns He Can’t Stop War, 
neither President Putin or the MoD have any confidence that President Obama is even in control his military forces anymore, thus necessitating the Federations greatest defensive war moves since World War II, and as we reported on in our 17 March report, Moscow Bomb Shelters Begin To Fill As Russia Prepares For War.

And, perhaps, most appalling…
as President Putin, 

after greeting over 100,000 cheering citizen-supporters in Red Square earlier today, meets with close aide to Chinese President Xi Jinping to update China on the Federations war preparations, there remains no evidence that the West, particularly the United States, are preparing their own people for the horrific catastrophe soon to come.

The fate of Captain Cole, however, is much more known as it will be exactly 
like Captain Arkhipov’s…a relegation to the dustbin of history as a failed officer, at best, or her early suicide/death to prevent her from telling what she knows.




2015-04-04 01:15

meningen med artiklerne er ikke at lave splid, men kun at pointere , og undgå flere krige og uskyldige menneskers og civile liv.




2015-04-04 01:33

dem der slår ihjel og terroriserer og røver og plyndrer andre mennesker og racer og folk med anden kultur og religion og misbruger GUDS navn, og giver islam og muslimmer et dårligt ansigt og dårligt ry ,  

har glemt 

Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Rahim

.In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.




2015-04-04 01:49

En terrorist er en person som forårsager terror. I det øjeblik, en røver ser en politibetjent bliver han “terroriseret”. En politibetjent er en terrorist overfor en røver. På sammen måde bør en muslim være en terrorist, mod alle asociale elementer i samfundet, så som tyve, mordere og voldtægtsforbrydere.

Ordet terrorist bruges også om en person, der begår terror mod almindelige uskyldige mennesker. Hvis nogen begår terror mod uskyldige mennesker er det strafbart. Islam forskriver dødsstraf for overlagt mord. Målet helliger ikke midlet i islam.

Islam betyder fred

Ordet islam er afledt af ordet “salaam”, som betyder fred. Det er en religion for fred, hvis fundament lærer sine tilhængere at opretholde og fremme fred i hele verden.

Enhver muslim bør i den betydning være fundamentalist, dvs. han bør følge fundamenterne i sin religion for fred: islam. Han bør kun være en “terrorist” mod de asociale kræfter i samfundet så fred og retfærdighed kan opretholdes i samfundet.