mink whale hunting

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Dette debatemne er skabt automatisk af underskriftindsamlingen mink whale hunting.



2014-09-16 00:04



#2 Rætting

2014-09-16 10:13

Skal hendan linjan:

If Sea Shepherd leaves Faroe Islands latest thursday 18th september...

ikki vera:

If Sea Shepherd does not leave Faroe Islands latest thursday 18th september...


#3 Re: Rætting

2014-09-16 10:55

Dette indlæg er blevet fjernet af dens forfatter (Vis detaljer)

2014-09-16 15:32


#5 Tim Larson

2014-09-18 13:53

I did NOT sign this... and neither did Paul Watson. Your credibility is now ZERO. This is so beneath you Føyer Folk... You need to make this right by removing it.




2014-09-18 21:50

This is murder. Find something else to do. These are living creatures that deserve a life. This slaughter is barbaric and is not something that should be happening in these times. Please stop. 



2014-09-18 21:59

Stop klling!!! Heartles people!!!! You're killing your mother, your son..!!!





2014-09-18 22:02

You're killing peacefull and social animals, that live like a family like you and me!

They comunicate like us!!! They FEEl like us!!! They care like us... like us.. not like you,,,

Per Ola

#9 Bigger whales

2014-09-18 22:26

I am surprized have few who supports this. There is usually way more idiots at such redicilus petitions like this.



2014-09-19 00:26

There is no difference betwen people who killing intelligent, social animals and Islamic State terrorists who chopping heads of intelligent, social humans just because they want it.

Whales are located in the band between animal and human. They are "almost" human and "almost" animal. Like us. We are all in that grey area. Your behaivor dominates your location in that area. 
Barbaric killers are worst than animals. Animals kill only for their need. YOU DON'T NEED TO KILL WHALES. 7 billion peole in this world surviving without eating whales...

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#11 Emne

2014-09-19 01:07

Cruel Barbarians. Shame on you


#12 Patrick Laurent

2014-09-19 03:14

There is no reason to be polite with those people supporting mass murder of sea creatures, so I just want to say to all of them"Fuck you bastards"

Alessandro Celli

#13 Alessandro Celli

2014-09-19 05:40

Assassins! Shame on you! I will never visit your country and discourage anyone willing to do so until this barbaric killing is over!



2014-09-19 06:56

Why? Why must you? :'-( In years to come, when this finally stops, will your children look to you and wonder why you introduced them to such horror? I realise you see it as something you have always done but there are many things that humans have done in history that we would never dream of doing now. I beg you to reconsider and if you can't find empathy and compassion for the cetaceans at least stop for your children, future generations and your country's reputation. You can be proud it is your generation that stopped it.



2014-09-19 07:03

Shame on you


#16 Re: 8

2014-09-19 07:42

#8: -   do they cry also ? Is that the reason the sea is salty ? hheheehe!


Dette indlæg er blevet fjernet af underskriftindsamleren (Vis detaljer)

2014-09-19 07:43


#18 Re:

2014-09-19 08:37

#7: -  

 Did you just call my mother and my non-existant son whales?


#19 eric

2014-09-19 09:21

if you continue with this fucking whale slaughtering, me and 14 other former soldiers and animal welfare activist from Germany will join the sea shepherd team for the next season.

This is not a joke and we will respond to violence with violence. Think wisely and stop acting like neanderthales.


#20 Re: Tim Larson

2014-09-19 09:34

#5: - Tim Larson 

 I also tried to leave comments but I fear my signature has been included - so adminstrators please REMOVE it from the petition!!


#21 Re: Tim Larson

2014-09-19 09:39

#5: - Tim Larson 

With a credibility rating of zero, ours is still higher than that of Watson. So no worries there :)

Dette indlæg er blevet fjernet af underskriftindsamleren (Vis detaljer)

2014-09-19 10:02



2014-09-19 11:22

Only Danish people sign. So there are many murderers, animal abbusers and bad people walking on your ground. Please build more prisons. At this moment you need at least 500 beds for all the signers. For some we already know their names ;)



2014-09-19 17:38

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2014-09-19 18:57

Please save and protect this wonderful animal!