Computers Information

There is quite a wide spectrum of salaries earned by computer engineers, and this can vary from the area of the industry that they are in, to the experience that they have on the job. Computer engineers with experience have salaries ranging anywhere from $86,000 to $136,000, so it's really coming down to the type of computer engineer you're hiring and their expertise. Network engineers have the best options, and while you may not NEED a degree, the better the education, the more of a salary that can be commanded. Engineers can also climb the career ladder in their company, which means more money later on.

As stated above, computer engineers are in high demand. Merely software development jobs are expected to rise 17% until 2024, and hardware engineering jobs are not far behind. With cloud computing and VoIP services expanding at a rapid pace, additional job prospects are certain to follow.

At the moment, hardware engineers earn anywhere from $84,600 to $135,840 per annum, depending on the actual position and years of experience. Median pay of a computer engineer is $102,450 per annum – 106% higher than the average salary in the U.S. New graduates can expect a salary from $61,000 to $76,000. Median pay for software engineers is $102,280 per annum; new graduates can expect to earn $56,856. Median pay of a computer scientist is $103,160 per annum; new graduates can expect to earn $56,800.

These are among the highest starting salaries nationwide, not to mention that computer engineering jobs offer by far best advancement prospects. Network engineers have most options. The profession doesn’t necessarily require a degree, as there are numerous certificates to be obtained. Quite often, it is the company itself that finances such undertakings. Thus, the engineers get to gradually advance to senior positions.

Readmore: Computers information

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