Bevar Esbjerg Ensemble

Kontakt forfatteren af dette andragende

Dear supporters of Esbjerg Ensemble!

2015-09-25 10:18:55

Thank you for signing our petition - it helped! 


The politicians in Esbjerg Kommune have succeeded in reaching budget settlement, where Esbjerg Ensemble is back with a yearly support also after 2018. We are happy, relieved and humbly grateful for the nearly 3000 signatures on less than three weeks, and also for all the wonderful comments. 


To celebrate the happy news, we wish to invite all of you who have signed the petition with free entrance to our season opening concert Wednesday 30.September at 19.30 at Syddansk Musikkonservatorium! 



The hall might fill up quickly, so please send an email to at the concert day at 10.00 at the very latest. 


We are very well aware of the fact that most of you do not live in Esbjerg, but we hope to play at a venue close to you soon :-) 


Audiences in København can look forward to our family concert Trembling Superheroes at Hofteatret this Sunday at 14.00 



If you wish to follow our activities in the general, you can sign up for our newsletter here: newsletter


All the very best wishes from everyone in Esbjerg Ensemble 

Esbjerg Ensemble

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