Hjælp Claudia Otoo med at blive i Danmark

Quoted post


#18 hehehe

2014-02-05 18:48

I do agree that Denmark really has a problem when it comes to deciding ho is staying in the country and who is not. It looks like its a computer that makes the decision based on some inputs they have and not human reasoning .I know her father and know from day one when she came to Denmark and its unfair to send her back home after 4 years of living here as a teenage who has learnt the language and all. I thing i dont agree with the article is that she cant be a journalist in Ghana if she goes home thats very wrong and an insult to Ghana as a country that we cant train a young girl to be a journalist apart from Denmark hehehe Komla Dumor of BBCS WORLD FOCUS ON AFRICA was from Ghana and started his Carrier as a journalist in Ghana before going to BBC .So lets state facts with the right reasons her father is here and she has to be here .


Fra Ghana

#21 Re: hehehe

2014-02-06 00:14:08

#18: Adjoa - hehehe


Er det egentlig ikke bedre at blive uddannet som journalist på engelsk, jeg mener det er da et noget større arbejdsmarked. Og som færdiguddannet vil hun havde den store fordel både at forstå vestafrikansk og europæisk kultur.

Ikke at det har noget med om hun har lyst til at være i Danmark eller Ghana at gøre. Bare en tanke til den engelske kommentar.

Og når det kommer til Ghana så må vi lige huske at det ikke er et U-land som nogen måske ville tro fordi det ligger i Afrika. Sandt nok er der mange udfordringer i landet men der er altså helt officelt et Middel Indkomst Land.
